2012 Montana Administrative Register Issue 24
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    Publish Date: 12/20/2012

Notice No. History Department Summary
   Notice Section
17-342 access file ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Board of Environmental Review) (Water Quality) Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Adoption - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations - General Permits - Additional Conditions Applicable to Specific Categories of MPDES Permits - Modification or Revocation - Reissuance of Permits - Minor Modification of Permits - Technical Standards for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation.
17-343 access file ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Board of Environmental Review and the Department) (Water Quality) (Subdivision/On-Site Subsurface Wastewater Treatment) (Public Water and Sewage Systems Requirements) Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Department Circular DEQ-4.
24-11-270 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Adoption - Unemployment Insurance.
32-12-229 access file LIVESTOCK Notice of Proposed Amendment - Testing Within the DSA, - Department of Livestock Miscellaneous Fees - Hot Iron Brands Required - Freeze Branding - Aerial Hunting - Identification - Identification Methodology. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
37-621 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal - Comprehensive School and Community Treatment Program (CSCT).
37-622 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal - Healthy Montana Kids Coverage Group of the Healthy Montana Kids Plan.
42-2-891 access file REVENUE Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment -Pass-Through Entities.
42-2-892 access file REVENUE Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Electronic Payment - Return Filing.
44-2-185 access file SECRETARY OF STATE (Commissioner of Political Practices) Notice of Proposed Amendment - Payment Threshold--Inflation Adjustment for Lobbyists. No Public Hearing Contemplated.
   Rule Section
2-6-472 access file ADMINISTRATION Notice of Amendment - State Vehicle Use.
8-94-105 access file COMMERCE Notice of Amendment - Administration of the 2011-2012 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
8-111-106 access file COMMERCE Notice of Amendment - Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.
12-383 access file FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS Notice of Adoption - Shooting Preserve Applications.
17-337 access file ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Board of Environmental Review) (Air Quality) Notice of Amendment - Incorporation by Reference of Current Federal Regulations and Other Materials Into Air Quality Rules.
17-338 access file ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Board of Environmental Review) (Water Quality) Notice of Amendment and Repeal - Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits - Permit Exclusions - Application Requirements - Incorporation by Reference.
17-339 access file ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (Board of Environmental Review) (Water Quality) Notice of Adoption - Nutrient Trading.
24-129-14 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY (Board of Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners) Notice of Amendment - Continuing Education Requirements.
24-207-35 access file LABOR AND INDUSTRY (Board of Real Estate Appraisers) Notice of Amendment and Adoption - Examination - Qualifying Education Requirements - Trainee Requirements - Mentor Requirements - Continuing Education Noncompliance - Complaints Involving Appraisal Management Companies.
37-599 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal - Positive Behavior Support.
37-606 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Adoption - Discontinuation of Services.
37-609 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Adoption and Amendment - Primary Care Service Enhanced Reimbursement - Birth Attendant Services.
37-610 access file PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Notice of Amendment and Repeal - Residential Facility Screening.
42-2-882 access file REVENUE Notice of Amendment and Repeal - Operating Agency Liquor Stores.
42-2-884 access file REVENUE Notice Amendment - Withholding and Estimated Tax Payments.
42-2-885 access file REVENUE Notice of Adoption, Amendment, and Repeal - Montana Reappraisal Plan.
42-2-886 access file REVENUE Notice of Adoption and Amendment - Product Approval for Beer, Wine, and Hard Cider Products.
   Special Notice and Table Section
Function Function of Administrative Rule Review Committee Function of Administrative Rule Review Committee
How How to Use ARM and MAR How to Use ARM and MAR
ACCUM Accumulative Table Accumulative Table
APPT Board and Council Appointees Board and Council Appointees
VAC Vacancies on Boards and Councils Vacancies on Boards and Councils

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