Accumulative Table No. 15   08/05/2016    
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The Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) is a compilation of existing permanent rules of those executive agencies that have been designated by the Montana Administrative Procedure Act for inclusion in the ARM. The ARM is updated through March 31, 2016. This table includes those rules adopted during the period April 1, 2016, through June 30, 2016, and any proposed rule action that was pending during the past 6-month period. (A notice of adoption must be published within six months of the published notice of the proposed rule.) This table does not include the contents of this issue of the Montana Administrative Register (MAR or Register).


To be current on proposed and adopted rulemaking, it is necessary to check the ARM updated through March 31, 2016, this table, and the table of contents of this issue of the Register.


This table indicates the department name, title number, rule numbers in ascending order, catchphrase or the subject matter of the rule, and the page number at which the action is published in the 2016 Montana Administrative Register.


To aid the user, the Accumulative Table includes rulemaking actions of such entities as boards and commissions listed separately under their appropriate title number.


ADMINISTRATION, Department of, Title 2


2.5.201          and other rules - Definitions - Changes Within the State Procurement Bureau and Central Stores Program, p. 612, 1160

2.5.701          and other rules - State Surplus Property Program, p. 355, 719

2.21.4002      and other rules - Equal Employment Opportunity - Nondiscrimination - Harassment Prevention, p. 617

2.55.502        Individual Loss Sensitive Dividend Distribution Plan, p. 548

2.59.104        Semiannual Assessment for Banks, p. 479, 878

2.59.416        and other rules - Credit Union Investments, p. 359, 720

2.59.1735      Determining the Amount of Surety Bond for a New Mortgage Broker or Mortgage Lender, p. 630, 1052


(Public Employees' Retirement Board)

I                    Redirection of Certain PERS Employer Contributions From the Defined Benefit Trust Fund for the Purposes of Paying Off the Plan Choice Rate Unfunded Actuarial Liability to Defined Contribution Member Accounts, p. 2179, 310

2.43.3501      Adoption by Reference of the State of Montana Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan Document, p. 784, 1161

2.43.3502      and other rule - Investment Policy Statement for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan - Investment Policy Statement for the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, p. 787, 1162


(Board of Examiners)

2.53.201        Model Procedural Rules, p. 627, 1006


AGRICULTURE, Department of, Title 4


I                    Pesticide Certification and Training Fees, p. 551, 1163

4.16.201        and other rule - Growth Through Agriculture (GTA), p. 790, 1254


STATE AUDITOR, Office of, Title 6


(Commissioner of Securities and Insurance)

6.6.3702        and other rules - Reporting by Holding Company Systems, p. 246, 824

6.10.703        Securities Restitution Fund, p. 256, 721


COMMERCE, Department of, Title 8


I                    Administration of the 2018 Biennium Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – Planning Grants, p. 554, 879, 1255

I                    Administration of the 2016 and 2017 Program Year Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – Public Facilities Projects, p. 633, 1007, 1256

I                    Administration of the 2016 and 2017 Program Year Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – Competitive Housing and Neighborhood Renewal Projects, p. 635

I                    Administration of the 2016 and 2017 Program Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – Affordable Housing Development Projects, p. 932

8.94.3814      and other rule - Governing the Submission and Review of Applications for Funding Under the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP), p. 178, 511

8.111.602      and other rule - Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, p. 795, 1053


(Coal Board)

8.101.203      and other rule - Applications for Montana Coal Board Grant Assistance, p. 935, 1257


EDUCATION, Department of, Title 10


(Office of Public Instruction)

I-II                 Distribution of Oil and Gas Production Taxes, p. 558, 881

10.10.301      and other rules - School Finance, p. 363, 556, 880


(Board of Public Education)

10.53.101      and other rules - K-12 Arts Content Standards, p. 938

10.54.7010    and other rules - K-12 Health and Physical Education Content Standards, p. 961

10.56.101      Student Assessment, p. 991


FISH, WILDLIFE AND PARKS, Department of, Title 12


12.7.201        and other rules - Commercial Bait Seining, p. 259, 585

12.9.804        and other rules - Game Damage Hunts, p. 875, 2138, 138

12.11.341      and other rule - Aquatic Invasive Species, p. 263, 882


(Fish and Wildlife Commission)

12.2.601        State Land Access Tax Credit, p. 1803, 202

12.6.106        Removal of Shelter, p. 1806, 203

12.11.206      and other rule - Temporary Client Days on the Beaverhead and Big Hole Rivers, p. 267, 1054


(State Parks and Recreation Board)

I-XXIV           State Parks Public Use, p. 482, 825


GOVERNOR, Office of, Title 14


I-II                 Implementation of the Sage Grouse Stewardship Act, p. 2125, 458


ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Department of, Title 17


17.36.101      and other rules - Subdivisions/On-Site Subsurface Wastewater Treatment - Application--Contents - Review Procedures--Applicable Rules - Re-review of Previously Approved Facilities: Procedures - Setbacks - Sewage Systems: Agreements and Easements - Existing Systems - Water Supply Systems: Operation and Maintenance, Ownership, Easements, and Agreements - Fee Schedules - Disposition of Fees, p. 2192, 722

17.50.523      Transportation, p. 4, 725

17.56.101      and other rules - Underground Storage Tanks Petroleum and Chemical Substances - Delegation to Local Governments, p. 1182


(Board of Environmental Review)

17.4.201        and other rules - Procedural Rules - Water Quality - Public Water Supply and Sewage System Requirements - Water Pollution Rules - Radiological Criteria - State and EPA Coordination - Pretreatment - Definitions - Enforcement Actions for Administrative Penalties - Purpose - Enforcement Procedures - Suspended Penalties, p. 2182, 517

17.8.102        and other rule - Incorporation by Reference--Publication Dates - Incorporation by Reference and Availability of Referenced Documents, p. 1109

17.8.334        and other rules - Emission Standards for Existing Aluminum Plants–Startup and Shutdown - Maintenance of Air Pollution Control Equipment for Existing Aluminum Plants - Mercury Allowance Allocations Under Cap and Trade Budget, p. 1809, 512

17.8.610        and other rules - Major Open Burning Source Restrictions - Conditional Air Quality Open Burning Permits - Christmas Tree Waste Open Burning Permits - Commercial Film Production Open Burning Permits - Firefighter Training - Conditions for Issuance or Denial of Permit - General Requirements for Air Quality Operating Permit Content, p. 563, 1164

17.8.818        Averaging Period for the PM-2.5 Significant Monitoring Concentration, p. 801

17.24.201      and other rules - Rules and Regulations Governing the Opencut Mining Act, p. 1951, 513

17.30.1001    and other rules - Water Quality - Subdivisions/On-Site Subsurface Wastewater Treatment - Public Water and Sewage System Requirements - Solid Waste Management - Definitions - Adoption by Reference - Wastewater Treatment Systems: Technical Requirements - Plans for Public Water Supply or Public Sewage System - Plans for Public Water Supply or Wastewater System - Incorporation by Reference and Availability of Referenced Documents, p. 2188, 1008


TRANSPORTATION, Department of, Title 18


18.6.202        Outdoor Advertising Control, p. 381

18.8.431        and other rules - Motor Carrier Services, p. 2205, 312

18.8.512        Motor Carrier Services, p. 638, 1009

18.8.1502      and other rules - Motor Carrier Services Safety Requirements, p. 1113


CORRECTIONS, Department of, Title 20


I                    Authorization for Probation and Parole Officers to Carry Firearms - Firearms Training Requirements - Department Procedures Pertaining to Firearms, p. 2211, 462

I-IV                Implementing the Medicaid Rate as the Reimbursement Rate the State of Montana Will Pay Health Care Providers for Services Provided to Individuals in the Care or Custody of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Public Health and Human Services, p. 2215, 313


(Board of Pardons and Parole)

20.25.101      and other rules - Parole and Executive Clemency, p. 2064, 139


JUSTICE, Department of, Title 23


23.16.119      and other rules - Temporary Gambling Authority - Participation in Gambling Operations - Sports Pool Design and Operation - Software Specifications for Video Poker Machines, p. 569, 886


LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Department of, Title 24


Boards under the Business Standards Division are listed in alphabetical order by chapter following the department rules.


I-III                Workforce Development Activities for Montana HELP Act Participants, p. 105, 728, 1165

I-IX                Reopening of Medical Benefits Automatically Closed in Certain Workers' Compensation Claims, p. 2073, 204, 586

24.17.103      and other rules - Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Projects, p. 1813, 2271, 140

24.29.1433    and other rules - Workers' Compensation Medical Service Fee Schedules, p. 641, 1055

24.301.301    and other rules - Incorporation by Reference of Uniform Plumbing Code - Fees - Incorporation by Reference of International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC), p. 2084, 316

24.301.501    and other rules - Applicability of Statutes and Rules - Definitions - Commercial or Business Occupancy - Third Party Inspections - Reciprocity - Requirements for Data Plate - Application for Review - Plan Review Termination - Quality Control - Changes to Reviewed Plans - Unit Identification - Plan Renewal - Insignias - Fees - Inspections - Certificates - Effective Date - Information Required to Dealer - Application for Approval - Model Manufactured Location - Out-of-State Applicant - Evidence of Review - Discontinuance of Review, p. 276, 887


(Board of Behavioral Health)

24.154.301    and other rules - Definitions - Fee Schedule - Military Training or Experience - Education Requirement - Application Procedures - Licensure by Endorsement - Supervised Work Experience - Nonresident Licensed Addiction Counselor Services - Inactive Status and Conversion From Inactive to Active Status - Continuing Education Requirements - Continuing Education Procedures and Documentation - Unprofessional Conduct - Supervisor Qualifications - Qualified Treatment Setting - Addiction Counselor Licensure Candidate Application Procedures - Addiction Counselor Licensure Candidate Requirements - Addiction Counselor Licensure Candidate Annual Registration Requirements - Gambling Disorder Education Requirement for Current Licensed Addiction Counselor Licensees - Procedural Rules - Public Participation Rules - Renewals - Complaint Procedure, p. 646

24.219.101    and other rules - Board Organization - Definitions - Fee Schedules - Supervisor Qualifications - LCSW Licensure - LCPC Licensure - LMFT Licensure - Code of Ethics - Screening Panel - Public Participation - LCPC Education Requirements - LMFT Education Requirements - Social Worker Licensure Candidates - Professional Counselor Licensure Candidates - Marriage and Family Therapist Licensure Candidates - Renewals - Complaint Procedure, p. 1991, 221


(Board of Chiropractors)

24.126.411    and other rules - Patient Records Retention - Continuing Education Requirements - Approved Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Sexual Relations With a Patient and Sexual Misconduct - Board Meetings - Record of Minutes and Hearings - Renewals, p. 270, 733


(Board of Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners)

24.129.603    and other rules - Licensing, p. 1602, 518


(Board of Funeral Service)

24.147.402    and other rules - Mortician License - Mortuary Transfers, Inspections, and Temporary Permits - Out-of-State Mortician Licensure - Sale of At-Need, Preneed, and Prepaid Funeral Arrangements, p. 1605, 314


(Board of Massage Therapy)

24.155.601    Licensure by Grandfather Clause, p. 1611, 315


(Board of Nursing)

24.159.301    and other rules - Definitions - Purpose - Criteria for Delegation of Nursing Tasks - General Nursing Functions - Parliamentary Authority - Preparation of Licenses - Duplicate or Lost Licenses - Nursing Delegation, p. 497, 1010


(Board of Nursing Home Administrators)

24.162.401    and other rules - General Requirements - Fee Schedule - Military Training or Experience - Examinations - Reciprocity Licenses - Inactive License - Continuing Education - Nonroutine Applications - Quorum - Submittals and Requests - Record of Minutes and Hearings - Application Denial - Hearings or Proceedings - Reinstatement - Renewals, p. 1222


(Board of Outfitters)

24.171.401    and other rules - Fees - Outfitter Records - Watercraft Identification - Outfitter Qualifications - Fishing Outfitter Operations Plans - Outfitter Examination - Operations Plans and Amendments - Renewals - Unprofessional Conduct and Misconduct - Transfer of River-Use Days, p. 855


(Board of Physical Therapy Examiners)

24.177.2105 and other rule - Continuing Education - Dry Needling, p. 576


(Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors)

24.101.413    and other rules - Renewal Dates and Requirements - Standards of Responsible Charge - Fee Schedule - Branch Office - Teaching of Advanced Engineering Subjects - Certificate of Authorization - Board-Approved Curricula - Applications - Exhibits of Land Surveying - Examination Procedures - Grant and Issue Licenses - License Seal - Comity - Classification of Experience - Uniform Standards - Inactive Status - Complaints - Teaching of Land Surveying Subjects - Definitions - Direct Supervision - Application for Emeritus Status - Renewals - Late Renewals, p. 1117


(Board of Public Accountants)

24.201.301    and other rules - Definitions - Fee Schedule - Use of CPA/LPA Designation - Licensing and Examinations - Professional Conduct Rules - Mandatory Peer Review - Renewal and Continuing Education - Complaint Procedures - Firms–Registration - Approved Peer Review Programs and Standards - Fee Abatement - Out-of-State Applicants Continuing Education Requirement, p. 110, 1016


(Board of Real Estate Appraisers)

24.207.101    and other rules - Board Organization - Fees - Definitions - Examination - Application Requirements - Qualifying Experience - Mentor Requirements - Registration and Renewal - Record-Keeping Requirements - Unprofessional Conduct - Renewals, p. 1405, 217

24.207.2101 Continuing Education, p. 995


LIVESTOCK, Department of, Title 32


32.2.401        and other rules - Feral Swine Mandatory Reporting - Fees - Additional Requirements for Cattle - Semen Shipped Into Montana, p. 2221, 223

32.2.404        Brands Enforcement Division Fees, p. 1231

32.2.406        Licensee Assessments to Administer the Milk Inspection and Milk Diagnostic Lab Functions of the Department, p. 998, 1260

32.3.221        and other rules - Special Requirements for Alternative Livestock as Defined in 87-4-406, MCA - Intrastate Movement of Cattle: Identification - Elk-Red Deer Hybridization Tests - Importation of Alternative Livestock, p. 505, 889

32.3.1203      and other rule - Isolation of Rabid or Suspected Rabid Animals - Animal Contacts, p. 863, 1259

32.6.712        Food Safety and Inspection Service (Meat, Poultry), p. 135, 463


(Board of Milk Control)

I-II                 Penalties, p. 293, 588

32.23.301      Licensee Assessments, p. 2227, 317

32.24.506      and other rule - Producer Committee - Pooling Plan Definitions, p. 2230, 319




I                    East Valley Controlled Groundwater Area, p. 2020, 224

I                    Rye Creek Stream Depletion Zone, p. 2235, 297, 890


(Board of Land Commissioners)

36.11.432      and other rule - Grizzly Bear Conservation Measures on the Stillwater and Coal Creek State Forest, p. 8, 589

36.25.1001    and other rules - Cabin Site Leasing, p. 181, 1020


(Board of Oil and Gas Conservation)

36.22.1242    Oil and Gas Privilege and License Tax, p. 866




I-IX                Creating the Montana Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program, p. 869

37.5.301        and other rule - Formal and Informal Hearing and Appeal Procedures Concerning the Children's Mental Health Bureau, p. 1156

37.8.116        Increasing Certain Fees for Certified Copies of Vital Records, p. 434

37.36.604      Updating Poverty Guidelines to 2016 Levels, p. 1048

37.40.301      and other rules - Nursing Facility Reimbursement - Updating Outdated Terms, p. 697, 1071

37.40.422      Updating Direct Care Wage Effective Dates and Reimbursement Updates Effective January 1, 2016, p. 2128, 320

37.40.801      and other rules - Hospice Reimbursement and Updates, p. 807, 1167

37.57.101      and other rules - Children's Special Health Services Financial Assistance Program, p. 664

37.71.401      and other rules - Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program (LIWAP) for the 2014-2015 Heating Season and the 2015-2016 Heating Season, p. 1142

37.80.101      and other rules - Child Care Assistance - Implementation of Required Policy Changes Under the Child Care and Development Block Grant of 2014, p. 1652, 590

37.85.104      and other rule - Revision of Fee Schedules for Medicaid Provider Rates Effective July 1, 2016, p. 669, 804, 1058

37.85.105      and other rule - Effective Dates of Montana Medicaid Provider Fee Schedules, p. 1826, 2238, 151

37.85.105      and other rule - Montana Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement, p. 1043

37.85.204      and other rules - Medicaid Program Treatment Limits - Cost-Share Requirements - Medicaid Coverage, p. 409, 829

37.85.406      and other rules - Hospitals - Inpatient Hospitals - Rural Health Clinics - Federally Qualified Health Centers, p. 705, 840

37.85.406      and other rules - Hospital Reimbursement - FQHC and RHC Definitions, p. 1234

37.86.105      and other rules - Changes to Montana Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement, p. 684, 1065

37.87.903      Children's Mental Health Bureau Medicaid Services Policy Manual Revisions, p. 817

37.87.1803    and other rules - Removal of Montana Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessments for Mental Health Centers (MHC) Involving Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT), p. 1151

37.104.3006 and other rules - Trauma Care Councils and Registry, p. 1001

37.106.704    Ten Additional Inpatient Beds Granted by a Waiver Under the Patients and Providers Act of 2008 for Critical Access Hospitals, p. 430, 839

37.106.1901 and other rules - Adding a Forensic Mental Health Facility Endorsement to a Licensed Mental Health Center, p. 1424, 144

37.107.117    Reduction of Application and Renewal Fees Associated With the Montana Marijuana Act Cardholder Registry, p. 298, 1166


PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION, Department of, Title 38


38.2.4801      and other rules - Procedural Rules, p. 580, 877

38.5.2202      and other rule - Pipeline Safety, p. 2132, 321


REVENUE, Department of, Title 42


I                    Montana Ammunition Availability Act - Property Tax Exemption Applications, p. 1251

42.2.303        and other rule - Meetings With Department Leadership, Information Access, and the Department's Acceptance of Power of Attorney Requests, p. 439, 841

42.2.613        and other rules - Uniform Dispute Review Process - Department's Office of Dispute Resolution, p. 442, 510, 1072

42.18.206      and other rules - Certification Testing Requirements for Department Property Appraisers, p. 1243

42.22.1311    Industrial Machinery and Equipment Trend Factors, p. 456, 736

42.25.1801    Crude Oil Pricing - Stripper Well Bonus and Stripper Well Exemption Definitions, p. 301, 735

42.29.101      and other rules - Universal System Benefits Programs, p. 13, 712, 894, 1027


SECRETARY OF STATE, Office of, Title 44


1.2.104          Administrative Rules Services Fees, p. 716

44.2.301        and other rules - Business Services Division Filings and Fees, p. 304, 594

44.5.121        Miscellaneous Fees Charged by the Business Services Division, p. 2241, 200, 519

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